I offer support to seeking liberation from personal, ancestral, and social sorcery in the form of abuse and oppression. My clients tend to be consciousness seeking folks who are interested in earth based spirituality, social liberation, and have experienced high levels of oppression and trauma. They are often but not always neurodivergent, queer, creative, and sensitive or empathic.

My sessions integrate Archetypal Astrology, Animist Journeys and Energy Healing, Somatics, and much more, to help you unravel the spells of illusion and become a meaning maker for yourself and your community. We will find stories that heal and empower, and bring bring you into deeper relationship with the Anima Mundi, the Soul of the World, and all beings within it, animate and inanimate. When we are able to see ourselves and our relations clearly, we can dream the better world into being.

More about Pricing

As of 2023, my hourly rate is $125, and I offer a sliding scale of $60-125

My goal is to be as affordable as possible, while taking care of my needs so that I can be available and present to my clients.

Shamanic or animist energy healing works through the principle of exchange. In modern Western culture most of our exchanges are made through the medium of money. Your payment is a testament to your allies and my guides that you are available to the healing work they seek to do, and that you value the transformation they offer. It also alerts your higher self about the seriousness of your intentions, allowing for deeper work to come about. This yields a more impactful healing experience, invested with greater meaning. I have seen time and time again that folks who pay for their healing services with money or their own time (trade) get far more out of the healing container I create. It is like making an initial investment, that the spirits can thereafter grow and grow.

However, we live in the context of what I call oppressive and systemic sorcery. Our finances are caught up in curses of hierarchy, supremacy, predatory economics, and ancestral baggage. Payment to me does not exist outside of that context. But by being as honest and equitable as I can in my requests and offerings, perhaps the payment can contribute more to the unraveling of those systems (within and without) than to the edifying of those systems.

Payment plans are ALWAYS available. Just ask.

I also offer ONE slot per month for Pay-What-You Can clients. This means you can access a session with me for whatever you can pay, be it 59 dollars or 5. Email me at Faithcarolnewton@gmail.com to enquire after this option.

Generally folks who have less resources are more insistent on paying my full price or sliding scale. I appreciate that, but if the only way you can feasibly work with me at this time is through accessing my Pay-What-You-Can option, please do so. I am here to serve. I offer this because I care, and cause being accessible is important to me.

I also offer Trade options. More about that below.


I am open to all reasonable trades. Email me if you are interested. I am especially interested in herbal medicine, handmade skin products, jewelry, tattooing, healing sessions of all kinds, business coaching, product photography, and support for the more technical and administrative aspects of running a business.

Free Offering

I offer free healings for public land which needs support, especially areas which have been harmed in pursuits of colonial and capital gain. Please contact me if there is land near you needing energetic tending. I also offer free psycho-pomping (tending of departed souls) to communities who have experienced tragedies resulting in human or animal death. However, offerings are always welcome, as this work takes considerable time and energy